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Jul 10, 2012

My Graduation Project

Ali Abdullah Salim Al Badi
College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, Department of Crop Sciences, E-mail

1         Abstract

Ditylenchus is a group of plant parasitic nematodes which is considered as a major problem in temperate areas on garlic and related crops. A series of studies were created on Al Jabal Al Akdar and in vitro to identify and control garlic nematode in Omani and Chinese varieties of garlic. The main experiment consisted of the solarization of two fields in Alshraja in Al Jabal Al Akder. Heat treatment experiments of the soil and garlic cloves was performed in the lab. For nematode identification two experiments were conducted, the first one was in molecular identification of DNA and the second one was identification by electron microscope.
In the field there were nearly 31000 nematodes in every 250g of soil. Soil solarization showed no effect on nematode populations. Identification of the nematode is important to get an efficient solution for control or at least reduce the population. Molecular identification confirmed Ditylenchus dipsaci as the causal agent of garlic problem in Al Jabal Al Akhdar. In Oman as in many countries worldwide nematodes threaten agricultural resources and it is important to know how to act against this threat. The aims of this study were (i) identify nematodes and (ii) find potential ways to control plant parasitic nematodes. One useful solution to reduce losses is to use nematode free seed. The outcome of this project can be used by the government and farmers to strengthen regional agricultural.

2         Keywords

Ditylenchus dipsaci Kuhn, parasitic nematode, garlic, Oman. Heat treatment, chemical treatment, soloraization, molecular identification, electron microscopy. 

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