
Blog Archive

Apr 5, 2010

Glossary in palne part 1

angiosperm- Any of a class of vascular plants with the seeds in a closed ovary.

chloroplast- A small body of protoplasm in a cell which contains chlorophyll and is where photosynthesis takes place.

embryo- The part of a seed that develops into a young plant.

germinate- To develop into a young plant.

nectar-A sweet liquid given off by plants that is the raw material of honey

phloem- A kind of tissue made of tubes that carry food through a plant.

photosynthesis- The process by which plants make food.

pistil- The seed producing part and female reproductive organ of a flower.

pollen- A mass of tiny particles in a seed plant that fertilize the seeds and usually appear as fine yellow dust.

pollination- The process by which pollen grains move from a stamen to a pistil.

respiration- A process in living things in which oxygen combines with food, releasing energy from the food.

seed coat- A tough covering that protects a seed.

seedling- A plant grown from a seed.

stamen- The male reproductive part of a flower.

stomate- One of the small openings usually found on the bottom surface of leaves.

xylem- A kind of tissue made of tubes that carry water and minerals upward through a plant.

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