
Blog Archive

Apr 5, 2010

How Plants grow

       Plants grow and get food from the two processes of photosynthesis and respiration. These processes make food in order for the plant to grow. The plant starts off as a seed and then slowly develops into a seedling. The seed is protected by the seed coat. Inside the seed is the embryo. The embryo turns into the plant. For a few days, the embryo lives off the food supply in the seed.

         After a period of time, the embryo turns into a seedling, and grows roots. Most plants need water and sunlight to grow. Deep sea plants that live on the ocean floor have no sunlight, but plenty of water. They get their energy from minerals and nutrients in the water instead of from sunlight.

       On land, plants also need oxygen and carbon dioxide. In order for plants to grow, they must send out seeds so that when the old plants die, new ones will be ready and growing. If a plant is to grow, it needs to be in the right climate zone. It needs the right temerature and the right amount of rainfall. Plants may adapt to a slow change in climate if they need to.

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