
Blog Archive

Sep 4, 2011

Warnings plant your tree

  • In the US, it is possible to call 811 before you dig. One call to 811 gets your underground utility lines marked for free, helping to prevent damage, injury, and fines. Other jurisdictions may have similar systems in place to protect the wiring and cabling that runs through your property. You may incur fines in other jurisdictions also if you dig and break cabling and wiring.
  • Be careful using your shovel.
  • Do not plant the tree too deep! Match the soil level from the potted tree with the new planting in the ground. The planting hole should be no deeper than the height of the root ball or pot. Covering up the trunk with extra soil can cause rot.
  • Do not amend the backfill soil excessively. If the backfill soil differs from the surrounding soil too much, the roots will tend not to leave the planting hole as quickly. It is best if the roots spread.
  • Do not step or walk on the finished planting hole. Walking on soil covering tree roots causes soil compaction. Mulch will help reduce soil compaction.

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