
Blog Archive

May 5, 2010

Euphorbia hirta

scientific name
Euphorbia hirta

Common Arabic Name: Dudhi
Common English Name: Common Spurge, Asthma weed, Cats Hair
• Native to India and most tropical countries.
• 15-50cm long.
• Common annual herb.
• Leaves: Vary from green to coppery-red, depending on its habitat.
• Flower: 7x6mm across.
• Seen along roadside from coast to plains, up to 1,400m on the hills.
• The sap contains a latex which is toxic on ingestion and highly irritant externally, causing photosensitive skin reactions and severe inflammation, especially on contact with eyes or open cuts.

Asthma Weed is common on wasteground, in moist gullies, in and around sandstone outcrops, and as a groundcover in disturbed areas. Is also commonly found in gardens, often growing out of rock crevices, walls and cracks in cement.
Plants grow and produce seed very rapidly (within 2-3 weeks under favourable conditions). Regrowth is persistent, and plants can flower and set seed most of the year.
Control measures:
Hand pull
Chemical : glyphosate-based herbicides


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