
Blog Archive

May 5, 2010

Phyllanthus maderaspatensis

scientific name:

Phyllanthus maderaspatensis 

Common Arabic Name: Am al halib

Rigid forb 30-50 cm high, with slender angular branches. Leaves arranged in 2 regular rows on opposite sides of the branches, oblong-linear or wedge-shaped, 10-25 mm long, rounded or with a short point at tip, with white-rimmed stipules at the base. Flowers tiny and without petals, male and female on the one plant, borne in clusters in the leaf axils. Fruit a slightly flattened 3-lobed capsule about 3 mm in diameter, containing seeds covered with 10-12 rows of minute warts.


• Grows in floodplain areas on heavy soils and may rely on appropriate and intermittent rainfall and flooding events for its survival. The species is described as being a summer-growing annual and is thus dependent on seasonal conditions.Often associated with open grasslands and eucalypt woodlands in or near creek beds, and grassy flats and levees near watercourses.
• Flowering time is spring to summer, and the species is a summer-growing annual. Seeding is recorded in March. Occurs after summer rains and readily drops its leaves as it dries off.
• Plants are usually infrequent in abundance but have been recorded as common in disturbed areas.

Control measures:
CULTURAL PRACTICES: by pulling or cutting them
• Glyphosate
• dicamba + MCPA or bromoxynil + MCPA

sources :

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